1) Login at http://cra-nsdl.com/CRA/ with your PRAN no. as user id and i-pin as password.
2) You will get welcome screen on sucessful login. Options before you are Security, Account Details, Grievance, Views and User maintenance.
3) Click on Account details to check your personal details, Statement of holding, Statement of Transaction and T2 account.
4) You can check your name, address and other details by clicking on personal details.
5) To check your account balance, click on Statement of Transaction and select year/Quarter etc.
6) If no record found of your details, then click on Grievance and Log Girevance request.
7) Select Grievance Type as Grievance againt PAO
8) Select Grievance sub type as contribution not reflected in account.
9) After submission, you will be issued a token number.
10) You will see your contribution details when ur grievance gets resolved. usually in 1-2 days.